Our Services
Discover everything that Refuge de Loriaz offers for an unforgettable stay
A complete set menu for your stay
- Soup and cheese
- Hot main course
- Dessert
- Fondue available upon request (+2€/person)
Lunch Service
Simple and delicious cuisine served until 3:00 PM
- Homemade soup
- Cheese crust
- Vegetarian quiche
- Fondue (reservation required)
- Savoyard specialties
A great start to your mountain day
- Bread, cake and gingerbread
- Butter and jams
- Hot beverages
- Orange juice
Summer Accommodation
40 beds in dormitories
- 3 dormitory rooms
- Facilities (WC and sink)
- Sleeping bag liner required
- Liner rental available (2€)
Winter Accommodation
30 beds in heated dormitories
- 2 heated dormitories (16-18°C)
- Facilities available
- Sleeping bag liner required
- Warm clothing recommended
Additional Services
To enhance your stay
- Packed lunches available (9€)
- Sleeping bag liner rental
- Advance booking required
- Drinks menu available